OAuth with Piscord

Piscord include some functions to use authentification with discord

OAuth is a class to use that

How to create

from piscord import Bot, OAuth

bot = Bot("Token")

auth = OAuth(bot, "Secret", "url of redirect to get token", "scope")

You should have a bot object but you doesn’t need to start it. If you doesn’t start the bot, you can create channel, rename, a lot of thing, but can’t receive commands or send message (require connexion).

The url is where the user is redirect after authentification with a code get request arg to obtain the token.

The scope is what the bot can do to the user account (see more : https://discord.com/developers/docs/topics/oauth2#shared-resources-oauth2-scopes)

Get the token

# To get the url where redirect the user for authentification with discord
url = auth.get_url()

# Code is the code get in the url after authentification
token = auth.get_token(code)

After this, you have the token of the client. You can store it (in user session cookie in web, or anything), and exploit it.


# Get piscord user objet of the authentified user
# You must have the identify scope
user = auth.get_user(token)

# Get list of the guilds where the user is
# You must have the guilds scope
guilds = auth.get_guilds(token)

# Add the user to a guild where the bot is
# You must have the guilds.join scope
auth.add_guild_member(token, guild_id, user_id)


class piscord.OAuth(bot, secret, redirect_uri, scope)
add_guild_member(token, guild_id, user_id)

Add the authentified user to a guild where the bot is

The token of the user
The if of the guild to add
The id of the user

Get a list of Guild objects, the guilds where the user is

The token of the user

Get the token of the user

The code returned by the authentification

Get the url for authentification with discord


Get a User object, represent the authentified user

The token of the user